Unbelievable part 12: Mythology Mash-up
January 2020
deities such as Ishtar were imaged
in Damien Hirst’s Treasures
from the Wreck of the Unbelievable through
mixing the guises of contemporary celebrities, as was worship of The
the ancient Egyptian sun god, in being gazed up to by Rihanna,
other works in the 2017 show juxtaposed figures from different
mythologies in ways that speak to the merging of cultures in the
ancient past and in the contemporary period. An
incongruous and yet fitting pairing amongst the mythology-inspired
sculptures was
Hydra and Kali,
pitting the Greco-Roman many-headed water serpent from Lerna
against the Hindu goddess of time in a never-ending battle featuring
cycles of death, renewal and endless work, frozen before it can
the Greek myths, Herakles’s second of twelve labours was to defeat
the Lernaean Hydra, which, Robert Graves explains (p. 430), ‘had
its lair beneath a plane-tree at the sevenfold source of the River
Amymone and haunted the unfathomable Lernaean swamp near by […].
The Hydra had a prodigious dog-like body, and eight or nine snaky
heads, one of them immortal; but some credit it with fifty, or one
hundred, or even ten thousand heads.’ Graves also suggests that (p.
432) ‘Heracles’s destruction of the Hydra seems to record a
historical event: the attempted suppression of the Lernaean fertility
rites.’ If the Hydra represents fertility – and is sexed as
female by scholars such as Jenny March (p. 39) – the destructive
Kali as bringer of death makes some sense as an adversary.
Ishtar, Kali is a complex goddess embodying many ambivalences.
According to Elizabeth Harding (p. 41), ‘Kali
comes from the word “kala,” or
time. She is the power of time which devours all.’ In depictions
and stories, Kali tends to have three eyes, four arms and a
protruding tongue. The Treasures
description for Hydra and Kali
(p. 20) states that ‘the Hydra’s self-regenerating heads have led
to the monster’s associative relationship with an endlessly
repeating task.’ Who, then, would be more equipped to undertake
such a task but a multi-armed, fearsome goddess who consumes all in
time, especially
as Herakles could not manage without the assistance of his nephew and
companion, Iolaos (March p. 194)? A fitting and timeless match
these mythical characters look in the Hydra
and Kali
in Treasures (there
were no fewer than four sculptures across the exhibition as well as
drawings and photographs) requires attention, as do the interesting
but potentially misdirecting observations in the guide text. In
suggesting that the multiple arms and heads can ‘be read as an
expression of movement’ (p. 20), the text relates the figures to
modernist and cinematic techniques of conveying mobility in still
images – techniques also loaded with time. However, on close
inspection, all six of Kali’s swords are in different styles and
shapes, and all seven of the Hydra’s heads (plus the tip of Kali’s
plaited hair for good measure) are different breeds of snake from all
over the world.i
The number of arms and heads do appear to derive from cinematic
depictions of both figures, specifically in Harryhausen
creature creations. While the exhibition wasn’t favoured
critically, pieces like Hydra and
Kali find
appreciation from delighted nerds
(I use this term with affection and solidarity) who recognise the
fantasy elements in such combinations and finally feel ‘seen’ by
the art world, even if they couldn’t access the show in person.
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Hydra and Kali, Damien Hirst, 2017, Punta della Dogana room 11 |
ways that the Hirst Kali departs from established depictions of her
(a loaded discussion in itself) in addition to the extra arms and
only holding swords, is that her slightly
Gorgon-esque hair
is bound as she goes into battle, she is alone and she has no
adornments. I am mainly studying the ‘clean’ and ‘complete’
large version that the exhibition’s narrative would have us assume
is a replica of the ‘found’, ‘damaged’ coral-covered version.
It is easier to see what is going on with the fantasy-derived swords,
the stance, the snake heads, and so on, plus the darkness of the
untainted bronze befits Kali’s darkness and nakedness.
describes Kali thus (p. 41): ‘A power that destroys should be
depicted in terms of awe-inspiring terror. Kali is found in the
cremation ground amid dead bodies. She is standing in a challenging
posture on the prostrate body of her husband Shiva. Kali cannot exist
without him, and Shiva cannot reveal himself without her. She is the
manifestation of Shiva’s power, energy. […] While Shiva’s
complexion is pure white, Kali is the color of the darkest night –
a deep bluish black. As the limitless Void, Kali has swallowed up
everything without a trace. Hence she is black. […] Her luxurious
hair is dishevelled and, thereby, symbolizes Kali’s boundless
freedom. Another interpretation says that each hair is a jiva
(individual soul), and all souls have their roots in Kali.’
is usually depicted with her left foot forward, but the Treasures
versions invert that. Harding explains that (pp. 37–8) ‘the Hindu
distinguishes a benign (dakshina) from a fearful (smashan) Kali by
the position of her feet. If Kali steps out with her right foot and
holds the sword in her left hand, she is a Dakshina Kali. And if she
steps out with her left foot and holds the sword in her right hand,
she is the terrible form of the Mother, the Smashan Kali or the
cremation ground.’ In Hindu narratives, Kali releases her hair
before battle. The Treasures Kali,
although free in her nakedness and benign in her stance, her six arms
each wielding a sword, her lack of a third eye for wisdom, her closed
mouth and her unbound hair (all as in The
Golden Voyage of Sinbad
[dir. Gordon Hesler, 1973]) indicate she is not acting autonomously,
but fighting under orders, just as Herakles was for the labours
imposed on him by the king of the Argolid, Eurystheus (March p. 190).
With relevance, in Homer’s Odyssey
the shade of Herakles tells Odysseus that he ‘was a son of Zeus […]
but infinite was my suffering; for I was slave to a far inferior man’
(March p. 191 quoting from lines 620–23 of book 11 of the Odyssey).
Here, Kali, a powerful goddess, keeper of time and bringer of life
and destructive death, is rendered as a fantasy heroine in a battle
to the death in a game-like fashion of choosing your player.
and Kali’s positions do resemble a 3D face-off a
la two-player
battle games such as Mortal
Kombat or
Street Fighter
whose now customizable characters have their own mythologies and
skill-sets and
whose battles can be re-played repeatedly with different results.
This is reflected in the different versions of Hydra
and Kali in
the exhibition which show them in slightly different positions and
colours. For example, the 0.935m-tall silver Hydra
and Kali in
room 4 of Palazzo Grassi sees both figures in a different slice of
time in their impending duel than in the 5.265m-tall bronze in Punta
della Dogana room 11. The small version sees Kali’s right leg
raised as if taking the step forward completed in the large version.
The silver also contrasts with the bronze, as does Kali’s
yellow-orange painted hair, giving her quite a Celtic look and a
tentative link to a whole other set of mythologies in which mystical
women battling sea-monsters would not be out of place.
the gaming link and the mythology mash-up have evolved from a history
of the western appropriation and ‘civilising’ of eastern
practices and elements of cultures, such game and fantasy characters
can be as meaningful today for gamers and fans as for followers of
deities from a polytheistic pantheon, like Kali. As gods are chosen
for worship, avatars are chosen for escape and self-empowerment.
we turn further to the virtual, technological world, we find that a
relation exists. According to a YouTube video
by OrlandoPCRepair, ‘Hydra is a utility included with Kali Linux
that you can use to bruteforce the password of a Windows
Administrator account on a Remote Windows Server that has Remote
Desktop Protocol (RDP) enabled’, and the video demonstrates how to
do this in the computer’s BIOS. The video was uploaded in February
2017, two months before the exhibition opened, and other such
examples in my searches
date back to 2013 and 2016, etc. In short, the most recent meanings
of these terms refer to Hydra as a hacking tool in a Kali Linux
computer operating system. I sense there must be something symbolic
in the creation, havoc and destruction to be wrought with their
combined ability to hack email and admin accounts. What if there is a
scenario to be played out with the Treasures Hydra and Kali in
which they join forces to wreak all kinds of menace for the rest of
time? The futility of endlessly repeating tasks and cycles of
creation and destruction in life certainly indicate that there is
more to this mythical mash-up than first meets the eye.
Robert, The Greek Myths
(London: The Folio Society, 1996 [Penguin, 1955]).
Elizabeth U., Kali: The Black Goddess of
Dakshineswar (Delhi: Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers, 1993).
Jenny, The Penguin Book of Classical
(London: Penguin Books, 2008).
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