Mask-making at Cosy Pea Pod

In part procrastination, in part showing off some skills and trying to promote myself on no budget, I present this film I made showing my mask-making process. I'm struggling hard with brain fog and tiredness lately (more than the usual base levels that are my constant companions) and part 6 of my series on Good Vibrations and No is the section that needs the most work and requires reading theory that I just don't have the headspace for. I suppose I didn't anticipate being as busy as I have been when I started out. A good thing about managing your own deadlines is you can go easy on yourself when you recognise the possibility of crashing and burning. Plus I'd rather work well when I can than forcing it and producing nonsense.

Anyway, this film, I hope, shows that I did indeed learn a few things in undertaking three film degrees. It's hardly a masterpiece, but given the production environment and ah hoc nature of it, I hope you'll agree that it's not bad. And I also hope it's reasonably relaxing to watch. This is the longer version at 19 minutes 10 seconds, and a 2-minute promotional version can be found here.


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