Unbelievable part 4: Underwater Archaeology

29 November 2019 A week after Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable opened on 9 April 2017, in the UK Channel 4 aired a documentary called Rome’s Sunken Secrets detailing the discovery and finds from the sunken Roman city of Baiae. Baiae was an ancient holiday resort near Naples and Pompeii where emperors, members of the senate and the excessively rich kept villas. A total escape from Rome and serious work, it was the site of many scandals and where the pursuit of pleasures played out. There are palatial ruins above ground, but more than half are submerged with the landscape, mosaics and vibrantly coloured frescoes adorned with stucco figures preserved underwater. Baiae was the size of a city but had no Roman landmarks, just luxury villas. At the edge of the site are the remnants of a building with chambers and studies featuring marble-surfaced statues adopting Greek styles. The Romans plundered art and culture when they conquered Greece and maintained a fascination with Gre...