Yorkshire Sculpture International residency piece
Unfinished -We made a mixture of a human and a robot with its heart hanging out. We deliberately left it unfinished because humans are never finished. Like any artwork, the preparation for this writing reached a stopping point rather than a state of completion. There has been an emotional exchange where part of me stays with the festival and the festival stays with me, bolted on like found debris and as ephemeral and fleeting as sounds made by personal assemblages teasing handcrafted instruments. These jottings are a collection gleaned from my experiences of bearing witness to the Yorkshire Sculpture International engagement programme, which began before me and continued after me. My intersection with it was partial, incomplete, but full in other wonderful ways. -What do you mean by vessels? -Things that are open and can contain. We are the stories we carry: the receiver that is also a transmitter, handmade expressions of identity and a sense or wish of home, ...