Analogue Nostalgia

Arranging myself with pen and paper at my maker table rather than computer desk (that sounds more luxurious than the cramped reality of each), I am determined to get writing again. It has been an intense few weeks of action working on all aspects of Audiovisual Cultures podcast , and my brain and body need a break away from computers and electronic devices in general. I have had to have the same word with myself as I've had before about not equating being hunched over a laptop with productivity. I've probably said this before on the blog, but words just flow out of me when I handwrite them, whereas I get exhausted after typing half a sentence I've just thought of. So, no, better to jot this by hand and type it later; a method that befits the intermedial qualities of the artworks I want to discuss in this post. Following a wonderful phone catch-up with my dear friend, the North East-based artist Richard James Hall , Dick sent me an equally wonderful gift: several intricate ...