Unbelievable part 23: The Soft Machine
29 May 2020 *there are mentions of sexual violence/violent sex in this post* Although the Covid-19 pandemic played a significant part in halting my progress on my research on Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable , in all honesty so too did reading William Burroughs's 'cut-up' novel The Soft Machine (1961). My brain already delicate from a healing psychiatric injury couldn't much hack it. To be fair, though, if anyone in their right mind can hack it, I suspect they're either lying to look smart, or broken in a different way. Perhaps you need to be on the same amount of heroin when reading it as Burroughs was on when writing it to get much of a story or any meaning out of it. As a side note, my copy of the book includes his essay 'A Treatment That Cancels Addiction' and it helped make his work a little more accessible for me, even if I still struggle to pinpoint details relevant to my studies . The Soft Machine is referenced in the Treasures g...