Picking your battles and having perspective
Last week my partner and I went to see Clash , an incredibly powerful and immersive Egyptian drama about protestors from different sides of the conflict trapped in a police truck. I highly recommend seeing it. It was screened in the Gallery at the Tyneside Cinema, a small space with only three rows of seats. As the opening credits began, 2 people came in noisily, sat behind us, and proceeded to talk and munch loudly with open mouths on popcorn. They were hardly at the omniplex to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 . I cannot abide, or indeed cope with, that kind of noise. My choices were: Move. Why should I? Plus the noise would continue to be a problem, possibly not just for me. Have an anxiety attack. Why should I? What would it achieve apart from harm to myself and upset to others? Say something about it. I did the latter. I said aloud, ‘Are you going to eat like that the whole time? Because that’s disgusting.’ The first part was sufficient, and raised a murmur of ...